June 15, 2015
Happy Hearts is an organization founded by Petra Němcová after she and her former fiancé were in Khao Lak, Thailand when the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami struck. The tsunami had a devastating impact on the west coast of Southeast Asia including Thailand and Indonesia. As a thank you to the people that took care of her and the memory of her fiancé, her initial goal was to raise money to build a few schools lost during the tsunami. However, since that time she has realized the need for schools to be built throughout the world.
Therefore, since 2004, Happy Hearts has been responsible for the construction of more than 100 schools globally. As a result of ANSAC’s donation, on Monday, June 15, Danny Sin and Christopher Douville traveled to Manado, Indonesia (see map below) along with Indrawan Masrin, our Indonesia distributor, to dedicate a school in ANSAC’s name.
This school provides a safe, clean and formalized learning environment for approximately 50 early age school children.
ANSAC is committed to making a difference in the world’s emerging markets and is very pleased to be able to support Happy Hearts in its quest to bring education to some of the world’s most remote regions including Manado.
For more information on Happy Hears Fund Indonesia please click on the below link: